Folks always think co-op is available for items like automobiles, appliances, carpeting, and flooring but often forget about items like eyewear and hearing aids. 86% of U.S. companies offer Health Care Flex Spending Accounts (FSA) for their employees. What are employees using their FSA funds for? Eye care, Eyeglasses, and Hearing aids are in the top 9!
If you have customers in the Eye care business (either doctors, eyewear stores, or both) or in the Hearing Aid business, it is a great idea to add a reminder in their advertising that they accept Flex Spending Accounts.
Below are just a few of the eyewear and hearing aid brands that offer co-op funding for their reseller network. Hopefully, you have clients selling some of these brands:
Brand Name Product/Service High-Level Guidelines
ClearVision Optical Company – Eyewear (licensed brand frames)
This program also applies to 17 other brands such as BCBGMaxAzria, Izod, Jessica McClintock, OP, OP Kids, etc. Retailers earn 5% based on current year purchases and are notified quarterly of their balances. Reimbursement is 50% for both Traditional and Digital advertising.
De Rigo REM Eyewear – Eyewear
This program also applies to 18 other brands, such as FILA eyewear, GAP, John Varvatos, Lucky Brand, etc. These programs are offered to Practitioners and Independent Optical Shops. They earn 5% of current-year purchases as their accrual fund. Reimbursement is 50% for Traditional and Digital advertising.
Beltone Electronics Corporation – Hearing Aids
Dealers earn accrual money monthly, and the percentage varies based on the type of hearing aids purchased (there are 4 models). Reimbursement is 100% for Traditional and Digital advertising.
Siemens Signia – Qualified Hearing Instruments Reimbursement is 50% for Print and Digital advertising. Specific dealers earn accrual funds on units purchased monthly in the prior 90 days. Each quarter, the accrual balance will reflect the prior 90-day purchase history.
Co-op Connect is a full-service customized co-op advertising solutions provider.
Are you looking for a top-notch provider of customized co-op advertising solutions? Look no further than Co-op Connect! The team is dedicated to helping clients increase sales through co-op advertising, and they pride themselves on their commitment to teamwork, reliability, excellence, and value. With a focus on expertise, technology, strong leadership, and great team members, Co-op Connect is the perfect partner for any business looking to take its co-op advertising to the next level. To learn more, you can reach out to us at [email protected]. Or call 866-323-5504 to schedule a 20-minute demo.
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