Rather than start the year with one specific article, we wanted to bring to your attention a couple of different items. These items will show you that utilizing co-op funding will generate additional revenue, gain you new customers, and help with the retention of existing customers.

Prior Year Programs
Co>Op Connect Database subscribers have access to 505 manufacturer brands that have Prior Year Accrual co-op plans. This means the local advertisers’ co-op accrual balance is based on their 2020 purchases (prior year’s purchases) with the manufacturer. Find out early in the year how much they have available in co-op advertising funds and put together a plan to help them spend it in 2021. The brands vary widely with co-op being available for everything from Ace Hardware – Ace Brand & Paint to Aveda Corporation hair products and everything in between. The more they utilize their co-op funds to advertise, the more product they sell, the more they purchase from the manufacturer, ultimately the more co-op advertising funds they will earn for the next year. Hit the ground running by talking to your advertisers about the brands with prior year accrual.

Co-op Claim Processing
One of the options offered as part of Localogy’s Co-op Concierge Service is the processing of the claim packages. You may not have the staff available, or the expertise on co-op, and we can help.

For 10 of our Concierge customers, we processed $189,171.92 in the month of October alone! These claims were processed across 89 different manufacturer brands. Since there are several thousand co-op programs in the Co>Op Connect database, you can see this is a huge opportunity.

Contact us at [email protected] to find out more about the Co>Op Connect database and all options available as part of the Concierge Service.

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