We are well into the last quarter of the year, and your advertisers may still have plenty of co-op funds to spend for the upcoming holiday “Shop-A-Thon.” By Shop-A-Thon, we mean the “mighty” trio of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday.

Some quick facts about “the trio”:

Black Friday Trivia

  • It attracts more people to stores on that one day than Disneyland. Walmart alone boasted that last year it attracted more than 22 million people to its stores on Thanksgiving Day alone. This brings up the fact that Black Friday has morphed and now includes many stores that start offering deals on Thanksgiving Day (Best Buy, Target, Walmart, and JC Penney to name a few).
  • More people die while shopping than from shark attacks. Seven people have died and 98 have been injured since 2006 from stampeding crowds and angry shoppers wanting to get that “special” item on sale.
  • The day was dubbed “Black Friday” back in the 1960s, when account books were kept using pen and ink and the day’s sales helped move the stores out of the “red” (losses) and into the “black” (profits).

Small Business Saturday Trivia

  • Small Business Saturday began in 2010 – it was launched by American Express.
  • In 2011, the Senate passed a resolution supporting the day.
  • Consumers who shopped Small Business Saturday in 2022 spent an estimated $17.9 billion.
  • For every dollar spent at a small business, 67 cents stays within your local economy, so it is extremely important to shop local to keep your community thriving.

Cyber Monday Trivia

  • The term Cyber Monday was coined in 2005 by Shop.org, the online arm of the National Retail Federation.
  • It is the second-biggest shopping day and the biggest day for online sales.
  • Although Cyber Monday had its origins in the United States, it now happens in other countries as well.
  • Men are the biggest Cyber Monday shoppers.
  • Those aged 25-34 and 65 years+ (I bet that one surprises you!) do the most shopping on Cyber Monday.

Hopefully, some of these trivia items spark some interesting advertising ideas for holiday campaigns you can run for your customers. The Co-Op Connect Platform contains guidelines for everything from new autos, boats, and motorcycles to jewelry, clothing, and just about any home/household item you can think of. Help your customers use their co-op funding to save them some cash while promoting the holidays!


To learn more about our Concierge Services or Co-Op Connect Platform, call us at 866-583-5397 or email [email protected].

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