In last week’s blog we did a high-level article on the main section of the Co>Op Connect database. This database also contains a Knowledge Base which contains all the information Ad Directors and Sales Reps need to know about Co-op advertising. It doesn’t matter if you are a brand-new sales rep, or a seasoned rep that may not have utilized co-op in a while, the data in this section of the database is priceless. Let’s take a deeper dive so you know exactly what the Knowledge Base contains.
Co>Op Database Guide
This guide contains all the information you need to get started in using and navigating the database. There are sections on:
- Getting started. This contains information on Browser Requirements, Initial Login Credential Information, Password Recovery, and Account Set-up information.
- Searching Co-op Plans. Accessing the Search Functions, including the Advanced Search, including Using the Search Results. You can use this report to show your customers the brands that offer co-op reimbursement relevant to their specific business.
- Reviewing Co-op Programs. This explains the definition of every field in the database. It also shows how you can go right from this database into the brand’s website to look up their list of dealers and other pertinent product information.
- Co-op Promotions. This shows you how to access both the most current brand promotions, along with how to access historical copies. The historical copies come in handy as brands may repeat successful campaigns and may give you ad creation ideas.
Co>Op Sales Guide
Step-by-step instructions on how to sell co-op advertising to your advertisers and how to support them throughout the entire co-op process. It explains in detail the following four Co-op steps:
- Find a Co-op Program
- Get Co-op Authorization
- Obtain Prior Approval for advertising
- Submit the Claim Package
Co-Op Info and Resources
Download forms, sales guides, and other documents lookup co-op terminology, and learn more about co-op advertising. This section is divided as follows:
- Documents and Downloads. This section contains the Co-Op Authorization Letter & Request Form. You will use this two-page form over and over to help your advertisers in locating their co-op accrual balances that they have available to spend. This section also contains the 8 Steps to Selling Co-op that every sales rep needs to keep handy on their desk. The final section is on Co-op Sales Strategies.
- About Co-Op Advertising. This is a very detailed training document that is divided by topic. Just a few of those topics are:
A. Purpose of Co-op Advertising
B. Co-op Digital Marketing
C. How Co-op Advertising Works
D. How the Advertiser is Reimbursed
E. Identifying Brands that Utilize Co-op
F. Bonus Co-op Programs….and much more!
3. Co-op Glossary. An A-Z glossary of all terminology used in the “Co-op world” from “Accrual” to “Zone”.
The Localogy Co>Op Connect database contains all the information for thousands of brands in hundreds of different verticals. As you can see it also contains very valuable training and reference information. For a database demo, or for more information call 866-323-5504 or email Alanda Hunt at [email protected].
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