In Part 2 of What is Co>Op Connect, we covered the Knowledge Base. Our database also has a What’s New section. Here we’ll list exactly what’s covered in the What’s New section.
New Manufacturer Promotions:
We list the promotions featured for each week. You can click the link for any week to see if there’s anything you missed. If you haven’t already, you can sign up to get the daily email leads, click here to sign-up. We send one email each business day to integrate co-op into your daily routine and provides a call to action and reason to get in front of your local advertiser. It’s a great time to use the funds available while a manufacturer is running a national promotion.
New Co-op Plans:
We’ll list any new manufacturer co-op plans we’ve added to the database. If your advertiser carries a manufacturer brand you don’t see listed, we can inquire if they offer a formal co-op program. It’s helpful if you provide us with the contact information for their manufacturer sales representative so we can go directly to the source.
Updated Co-op Plans:
Here you’ll see the manufacturer brands we’ve updated by month. The manufacturer may adjust their plan on an annual basis, quarterly, or even more often. The Localogy Co>Op Connect team is in touch with the manufacturers on a regular basis to keep you apprised of the updates. The manufacturer may adjust their percentages of accrual or participation, they may add eligible media types, or it may be an update to the contact information. Be sure to check the plan details regularly to have the most up-to-date plan information.
Discontinued Co-op Plans:
There are times a manufacturer brand decides to stop their co-op program. We list the discontinued programs, so you know your local advertiser is no longer earning co-op funds for that manufacturer. It doesn’t mean they will never offer co-op again, just at this time they may have gone in a different direction by offering alternative marketing initiatives.
The Localogy Co>Op Connect database contains all the information for thousands of brands in hundreds of different verticals. As you can see it also contains very valuable training and reference information. For a database demo, or for more information call 866-323-5504 or email Alanda Hunt at [email protected].
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