Co-op Connect Platform subscribers can benefit from receiving ten weekly promotions. Various brands offer these promotions as national campaigns, which can be adapted locally. The range of promotions includes new product announcements, such as gas BBQ grills or garage doors, and special financing and payment offers for customers purchasing these products.

For example, you may see a promotion for purchasing three tires and the fourth one free or an auto brand offering no payments on new car purchases for 120 days. These promotions can be valuable selling tools for dealers and retailers. By informing them about brand promotions that can bring in more business, they may be convinced to increase their advertising campaign or even attract new advertisers.

If you want to learn more about these promotions and the Co-op Connect platform, please get in touch with us at [email protected] or call 866-323-5504 to schedule a 20-minute demo.

Here is just one of the promotions for this week:

Fall into Savings with Trane!

Let your Trane dealers know about this special offer. Take advantage of instant rebates of up to $650 on qualifying Trane equipment. Visit your local Trane dealer for complete offer details. Offer expires November 14, 2024.

Use the Trane co-op program to share the local dealers’ advertising costs. The dealer can receive 50% – 70% reimbursement for qualifying co-op ads. Prior approval is required for all co-op advertising.

Co-op Connect is a full-service customized co-op advertising solutions provider.

Are you looking for a top-notch provider of customized co-op advertising solutions? Look no further than Co-op Connect! The team is dedicated to helping clients increase sales through co-op advertising, and they pride themselves on their commitment to teamwork, reliability, excellence, and value. With a focus on expertise, technology, strong leadership, and great team members, Co-op Connect is the perfect partner for any business looking to take its co-op advertising to the next level. To learn more, you can reach out to us at [email protected]. Or call 866-323-5504 to schedule a 20-minute demo.

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