Subscribers of the Co>Op Connect product can receive ten promotions each week, but what are they?
The various brands offer National campaigns to move their products. These campaigns can be tied-in at the local level.
You will see everything from new product announcements for gas BBQ grills to new styles of Garage Doors. You will also see special financing/payment offers for customers purchasing their products. One day you may see buy 3 tires get one free, and the next day an Auto Brand may offer no payments on new car purchases for 120 days.
You can use these promotions as a selling tool. Telling dealers/retailers about brand promotions that have the potential to bring more business in their door may convince them to expand their advertising campaign. They could also be the selling point that brings a new advertiser on board.
To find out more about these promotions, and the Co>Op Connect database, contact us at [email protected]. Or call 866-323-5504 to schedule a 20-minute demo.
Here is just one of the promotions for this week:
Simmons Beautyrest 4th of July Sale!
Let your Simmons Beautyrest retailers know about this sales event. Save up to $700 on select Beautyrest Harmony Lux adjustable sets PLUS buy one get one pillow free on select Beautyrest Absolute Relaxation or Absolute Rest pillows. Visit your local Beautyrest retailer for complete offer details. Offer valid June 15, 2022 – July 11, 2022.
Use the Simmons Company co-op program to share the cost of local retailers’ advertising. The retailer can receive 50% reimbursement for qualifying co-op ads. Prior approval is required for all co-op advertising.
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