I know you just finished hearing about using co-op funds for the end of the year and all holiday advertising. Well, another holiday is coming up fast…Valentine’s Day! Many brands provide their reseller network with “fresh” co-op funds on the first of the year since the resellers accrued their money from their prior year purchases. This means there is plenty of opportunity to help your jewelry (and other gift items) advertisers with their Valentine’s Day promotions and use co-op funds.
Here are some facts about the Valentine’s Day holiday that you might be able to use to come up with an angle to include in your customer’s advertising campaign.
Valentine’s Day Facts
- When did Sweetheart candies first get their shape? The answer is 1901…who knew those incredibly sugary candies have been around that long!
- Staying on candy trivia…Richard Cadbury (who always makes me think of Cadbury eggs), created the first Valentine’s Day candy box.
- 35 million heart shaped boxes of chocolates are typically sold each Valentine’s Day.
- Which popular website made its debut on Valentine’s Day in 2005? The answer is YouTube!
- Approximately 9 million people buy Valentine’s gifts for their pets! (Now I have got you thinking about pet brands and co-op, right?)
- Valentine’s Day (followed by Mother’s Day) is one of the flower industry’s biggest and most significant holidays. Research shows that more than 250 million roses are grown annually for Valentine’s Day!
- In the last five years, jewelry store sales have risen by over thirty billion dollars annually! That is a whole lot of Valentine’s Day diamonds! Christmas and Valentine’s Day are the two hottest times for jewelry purchases. If you were thinking ahead, you could have gotten your best jewelry sales on Black Friday or Cyber Monday.
Below are just a couple of the jewelry-related brands that appear in the Co-Op Connect platform:
Brand – Product/Service – High-Level Guidelines
Pandora Jewelry – Jewelry
Authorized Retailers earn 1% of their prior year purchases as their accrual fund. Reimbursement is 50% for both traditional and digital media. Co-op funds should be used quarterly.
Le Vian – Jewelry, Timepieces, Colored diamonds, Gemstones
This program also applies to the following Le Vian brands: Bridal, Chocolatier, Couture, Exotics, Red Carpet and Time. Gold Level dealers earn 2% of the current year’s purchases as their accrual fund. Platinum Level Retailers earn 3%, and Diamond Level Retailers earn 5%. Reimbursement is 50% for both traditional and digital media.
Co-op Connect is a full-service customized co-op advertising solutions provider.
Are you looking for a top-notch provider of customized co-op advertising solutions? Look no further than Co-op Connect! The team is dedicated to helping clients increase sales through co-op advertising, and they pride themselves on their commitment to teamwork, reliability, excellence, and value. With a focus on expertise, technology, strong leadership, and great team members, Co-op Connect is the perfect partner for any business looking to take its co-op advertising to the next level. To learn more, you can reach out to us at [email protected]. Or call 866-323-5504 to schedule a 20-minute demo.
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