Millions of co-op advertising dollars will be expiring soon. Be sure to help your advertisers use those funds before they lose them! Most co-op programs run on an annual basis, meaning the money your advertiser earned must be spent in the current year or it is lost. In 2021, their co-op fund replenishes again either based on purchases from 2020 or is based on an estimate of purchases for 2021. That just means that co-op funding can be used year-round but you sure do not want your customer to lose what is available to them now! You may be surprised by how many of your advertisers have earned co-op money (also known as accrual balances), yet have no idea it is available. In the last quarter of each year, the Localogy Co>Op Connect team has been notorious for finding very large balances of unused co-op money, let us find it for you and your customers!
We also want you to become familiar with our Co>Op Connect database that shows the co-op guidelines for thousands of prominent brands. The database access will provide you with the guidelines and contacts you need to assist your customers in spending the co-op money we find. Digital, broadcast, print – all guidelines are in the database. So, we have put together a six month Special Offer to do both – find you money and provide you with database access. Starting September 1st, we are offering a six month deal for $350.00 per month which includes one user id/password to the database and accrual research for five customers per month. Each customer can provide you with up to six brands that they carry. We will provide you with the Accrual Authorization Form (also available in the database for you to download), and you would simply fill that form out for each of those five customers and email to us to research. That means that we will contact up to 30 brands each month and obtain co-op funding balances for you to use with your customers. This is a limited time offer! Sign up between September 1 – 30th so that you can solidify your status as “The” Trusted Advisor to your customers and bring co-op money to their table.
You will quickly see that this will be the best $350.00 a month you will ever spend! Contact [email protected], or call 866-583-5397 to get started!
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