Start 2023 on the right foot by utilizing available co-op advertising funds for your clients! The Localogy Co-Op Connect Team is ready to help, and a great way to start the year would be with Customer Audits.
You provide us with a list of either existing customers or new prospects, and we tell you the brands that they sell that offer co-op advertising programs. You would provide us with 25 customers, and we do a deep review of their current website and social media platforms to provide you with available co-op opportunities. This is a great “lead-in” for any sales call, it shows that you did your “pre-call homework.” Hit the ground running in January for $150.00, you’ll see fantastic opportunities that can turn into increased ad dollars with co-op.
Let us help you grow your revenue in 2023! If you are one of our blog readers, you can find out more about our Customer Audits, the Co-Op Connect Platform, and our other Co-op Concierge Services by contacting us at 866-583-5397 or emailing [email protected] or [email protected] for more information.
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