These are funds that your advertisers have earned through the purchases that they have made with the manufacturer brands that they carry in their stores!!
Don’t let these advertising dollars Expire without being used!!
Talk to all your advertisers about the importance of Co-Op Advertising and how YOU CAN HELP! Then contact the Localogy Co>Op Connect team and let us help you by doing the following:
- We will research the store’s co-op fund balances
- We can design the co-op ads
- We will obtain prior approval for all ads from the manufacturer before they run to make sure the ad(s) are co-op compliant
- After the ad runs, we will assist in the creation of the co-op claim package
Co-op Advertising can help to cut your store’s advertising costs in half, allowing them to run more ads which will ultimately get more customers through their doors!
Remember co-op funds can be used for print, digital, broadcast, etc. Prior approval is required before any co-op ads run.
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