The fourth quarter of the year is a great time to help your advertisers fully utilize the co-op advertising funds they earned. Don’t leave anything on the table, help your advertisers make the best use of their co-op advertising money. Fourth quarter is right around the corner with hundreds of co-op opportunities. Now is the time to make sure you’re talking to your local advertisers about using their co-op funds. The more they advertise, the more customers they get in the door, the more product they sell, the more they purchase from the manufacturer to restock their products, ultimately earning them more co-op dollars to be used next year.
Look at Targets and Plans & Promotions Expiring:
- October 39 manufacturer co-op plans expire
- November 21 manufacturer co-op plans expire
- December 827 manufacturer co-op plans expire
What does this mean? It doesn’t mean the co-op plan expires it means the accrual dollars earned by each retailer/dealer/distributor will expire if not used. It means that the purchases a retailer/dealer/distributor will make from this point on will earn them accrual dollars to be spent for next year. But in the meantime, your advertisers may be sitting on large co-op accrual balances. In recent months we have found individual advertisers with balances of between $50-60k with brands like Subaru, Kawasaki, John Deere, etc.
The Localogy Co>Op Connect Team works with a handful of Concierge customers to help them uncover co-op accrual balances for their advertisers. Here is a quick look at what we found for them in the 4th quarter of last year:
- October $160,643.32
- November $221,411.06
- December $235,596.67
For other Concierge customers, we process the claim documentation so that their advertisers have what they need to collect their reimbursement. In the 4th quarter of 2021, we processed over 2,063 claims that totaled $1,040,531.00. Over a MILLION DOLLARS for our claiming customers alone!
Don’t let your customers waste this opportunity or their co-op funds! If you need assistance in obtaining accrual balances or help with ad creation, approval, or claiming we can help. To find out more about our Concierge services contact us at [email protected] or call 877-990-2667.
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