The Localogy team gets asked frequently if co-op funds are available for digital media products. We also get asked the following:

  1. How much is in my advertiser’s co-op account for radio? What about TV? Do they have any money left in Outdoor?
  2. How much does my advertiser have in their traditional media co-op account? What about their digital account?

When it comes to co-op funds, it is all in “one bucket.” Funds are not divided into portions to spend on different media types. It is up to you and your advertiser to determine which media works best for your customer and use the co-op funds. Your customer may want to do a Radio spot and a Social Media campaign – that is great! Your customer may have enough co-op money to cover one or the other, or they may want to split their funds against the cost of the spot and campaign, which would work well too.

If you are searching for digital media that provides co-op funding, it is very easy to locate in the Co-Op Connect Platform. You would simply do an “Advanced Search,” found under “Co-op Tools,” then go to “Select Media Types.” If you scroll down, you will see a category called “Digital,” and then under that, you will see all digital options available. If you “check” the Digital box, you get the most comprehensive list. If you are not currently a Platform subscriber, we show co-op guidelines for the following digital products:

Email & eLead Marketing, Online Display Ads, OTT/Internet TV, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media, Streaming Radio, Video & Digital Pre-Roll, Website & Website Development Costs, and Yellow Pages Online

If you are a subscriber, you will also see that there are many brands that are trying to drive more of the co-op funding usage toward digital products. You will see that Ford Motor Company will no longer provide funding for newspaper ads (they prefer you do online display). You will also see that some brands will reimburse 50% for traditional media purchases with 75% reimbursement for digital advertising.

Below are just a few of the hundreds of brands that offer co-op for both traditional and digital media:

Brand – Product/Service – High-Level Guidelines

  • Ace Hardware – Ace Brand & Paint – Ace Paint and Ace Brand Products
    They reimburse up to 75% for traditional media and reimburse 100% for all digital products. They provide funding for TV, Cable TV, Radio, Billboards, Vehicle Signage, Promotional Items, Search Engine Marketing, Streaming Radio, OTT/Internet TV, Social Media, and Online Display.
  • Ford Motor Company – New and Blue Advantage Vehicles
    They provide funding for Websites, Online Display, Streaming Radio, Email Marketing, Video & Digital Pre-Roll, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media, OTT/Internet TV, Billboards, Transit Advertising, Radio, TV, Direct Mail, and Trade Shows (Auto Shows).
  • AGCO Corp. – Mowers, Outdoor Power Equipment, and Farming Equipment
    This applies to all 10 of their brands, such as Fendt, Massey Ferguson, etc. They provide co-op funding for Yellow Pages, Cable TV, TV, Radio, Billboards, Circulars, Flyers, Direct Mail, Newspapers, Trade Shows, Promotional Products, Social Media, Search Engine Marketing, Websites, Video & Digital Pre-Roll, Online Display, Streaming Radio and OTT/Internet TV.


To learn more about our Concierge Services or Co-Op Connect Platform, call us at 866-583-5397 or email [email protected].

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