It is not too late to utilize your co-op funds for your customer’s holiday greeting. It doesn’t matter whether you are doing an online display, an email blast, or even a holiday card you can utilize co-op funding for your customers. What a great way to ensure that you use your co-op funds available and not lose them by year-end.

Let’s look at some of the brands in our platform that you can use for your customer’s holiday greeting…

If your customer has a motorsports store, they can feature:
Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Harley-Davidson

If your customer is an auto dealership, they can feature:
Chevrolet, GMC, Buick, Cadillac, Ford, Dodge, Fiat, Jeep, Chrysler, Lexus, Hyundai, Nissan

If your customer is a heating and cooling contractor, they can feature:
Bryant, Carrier, Trane, Lennox, American Standard

If your customer is an Insurance Agent, they can feature:
Grinnell, American Family, Auto-Owners Insurance

If your customer is a lawn/garden store, they can feature:
Cub Cadet, Kubota, Toro, John Deere, Snapper

If your customer is a hardware store, they can feature:
Benjamin Moore, Stihl, Big Green Egg, Weber

The above was a fun way to get just a small “taste” of what is included in the Co-Op Connect Platform. There are hundreds of brands that are sold in hardware stores that have co-op programs listed in the platform. There are also other auto brands, insurance brands, etc.


Co-op Connect is a full-service customized co-op advertising solutions provider.

If you are looking for a top-notch provider of customized co-op advertising solutions? Look no further than Co-op Connect! The team is dedicated to helping clients increase sales through co-op advertising, and they pride themselves on their commitment to teamwork, reliability, excellence, and value. With a focus on expertise, technology, strong leadership, and great team members, Co-op Connect is the perfect partner for any business looking to take its co-op advertising to the next level. To learn more, you can reach out to us at [email protected]. Or call 866-323-5504 to schedule a 20-minute demo.


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